Pencil Horse Portrait

The portrait of Flash was commissioned by a returning client in Australia. Such a lovely lady called Jo. When she commissioned some dog portraits a few years ago she even sent me a hand crafted wooden trivet in the shape of two geckos which fit together, as a thank you gift. To date it is one of my favourite possessions and it sits proudly on my kitchen table! I hope you enjoy reading about the commission of Flash and seeing more photos of the drawing below.

Pencil Horse Portrait

The Horse Pet Portrait in Pencil

I took a number of photos of the portrait prior to packing and sending to Australia. it was such a large size I did find it difficult to photograph so the closer in photos should allow you to see the detail. The large drawings are meant to be viewed form a few paces away to get the full effect, however there is still a lot of detail to see up close.

Pencil Horse Portrait
Pencil Horse Portrait
Pencil Horse Portrait

About the Horse Portrait Commission of Flash

Reference photos

Jo commissioned me to draw 30 x 40 inches pencil drawing of her beautiful horse called Flash who passed away very suddenly in 2018.

Jo and her family were devastated and wanted me to create a drawing for them. Something that they would be able to treasure and bring back all the lovely memories they all shared with Flash over the years.

The drawing was quite large as you can see and 30 x 40 is pretty much the largest size I can draw. I really enjoyed drawing it, thankfully my drawing desk is just about big enough to accommodate my larger sized commissions.

The portrait headed off quite safely to Australia and Jo and her daughter emailed when it arrived which you can read below.

Also, prior to packing I took lots of lovely photos for you to see, scroll down to view them. I hope you enjoy viewing the portrait of Flash.

Client Feedback

I don’t know what to say, opening your beautiful drawing of Flash made me and my daughter burst into tears, you have captured him so perfectly. He was the most amazing horse, an absolute one in a million and I will never get over the sudden loss of him. I can’t thank you enough, you are so talented and so beautiful to work with.
One day I will pop in to see you and thank you in person.
Every happiness,
Jo x

Horse Portraits

If you have a horse or pony that you would like drawn, what ever the size, just drop me a line with your ides. Emailed me your photos at their largest size and we can discuss your options. You can contact me via my contact page any time.


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